New Utility Customer? Apply here!
New Residential Customer Application New Commercial Customer ApplicationDepartment Heads
Operations Manager: Darryl Moeller –
Projects Manager: Glenn Polasek –
Street & Garbage : Lance Woytek –
Parks: Johnnie Demel –
Electric : –
Water : Darren Redding –
Wastewater : Justin Bassett –
Disconnection of Delinquent Services
Failure to pay by the 16th will result in disconnection of service on the 17th without further notice. If the 17th falls on a weekend, you have the next business day to pay the bill without disconnection. Failure to receive a bill is not an exemption from a monthly payment, penalties or disconnection.
Garbage Policy
Garbage pick-ups for residents who live on the north side of the railroad tracks are on Tuesdays. Residents on the south side of the railroad tracks have garbage pick-up on Thursdays. Garbage pick-ups are subject to change during the week of a holiday. To receive a courtesy call for the holiday garbage change, please contact City Hall with a valid phone number. Any new small commercial and industrial businesses please call City Hall to receive your designated days for garbage pick up.
20/40 yd Roll Off: Per Ordinance the City of Schulenburg does not allow outside waste services. Please see the attached for the 40 yd Roll Off Contract.
2 yd Dumpster: The City of Schulenburg offers a 2 yd dumpster for any projects that have an abundance of household garbage. No furniture, limbs/leaves or contractor-type materials are allowed. Please see the attached for the contract.
Bulk Water Policy:
The City of Schulenburg offers bulk water sales to contractors. Please see the attached for the contract. See Schedule of Fees for pricing.
Limb & Leaf Policy
Any residential customers inside the city limits may dump their limbs and leaves for free at the limb and leaf site at 1400 South St. Schulenburg, TX 78956 Please bring the most current utility bill as proof of residency.
With advance notice, the City will provide curbside pick-up of limbs and leaves one day a week for a cost of $40.00. Please prepay for your services at City Hall.
All other customers and contractors can purchase tokens at City Hall to use at the limb and leaf site. $5.00 for a pick-up load or $25.00 for a trailer load.
Hours of Operation: Wednesday 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
General Information
Customer Information Open Records Request Schedule of Fees Zoning MapUtility Reports
Grease Disposal 2021 Consumer Water Report 2022 Consumer Water Report