City of Schulenburg Leadership
Mayor: Connie Koopmann ~
City Administrator: Tami Walker ~
Place 1: Greg Thomas ~
Place 2: Frank Wick III ~
Place 3: Roger Moellenberndt ~
Place 4: Clarence Ahlschlager ~
Place 5: Kathy Kleiber ~

City of Schulenburg
Type A General Law – “General Law Municipality” means a municipality designated by Chapter 5 as a Type A General Law Municipality.
The governing body of the city shall be a city council consisting of a mayor and five (5) aldermen, each of who shall be elected from the city at large. (Section 2-26)
Term of Office
The mayor and two (2) aldermen shall be elected on odd-numbered years, and the other three (3) aldermen shall be elected on even-numbered years. The terms of office of the mayor of and the alderman shall be two (2) years or until their successors in office have taken the oath of office. (Section 2-28).
Power & Duties
The city council shall have all powers and duties as granted by the constitution and general laws of the state. (Section 2-29)
Mayor Designated Chief Executive Officer
The mayor shall be the chief executive of the city government and shall be vigilant and active at all times in causing this code and other ordinances to be duly executed and enforced. He shall act for the city council in supervising the city administrator, shall ensure that the conduct of all subordinate officers of the city are diligent, faithful and proper. (Section 2-32)
Time & Place
(a) The city council shall hold a regular meeting twice a month on the first and third Mondays of each month at a place to be designated by the city council. The time of the meeting shall be 6:30 p.m. (Section 2-66)
The designated place for meetings is the Council Chambers at 607 Upton Avenue.
Meetings to be Public
All meetings of the city council, regular and special, shall be open to the public.